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Smart City IoT: Smart Infrastructure Projects to Dominate the Use of IoT

By Dick Weisinger

The Internet of Things (IoT) is not just about the interconnectedness of people via mobile and things like wearable devices and self-reporting electric and water utility meters.  Almost every object is a candidate for plugging into the internet.

Gartner says that new infrastructure projects will be designed from the ground up to include IoT capabilities.  Smart homes, smart buildings, and smart cities already contain 45 percent of the objects being connected to the internet in 2015.  Smart cities will account for as many as 1.1 billion device connection just this year.  By 2020, smart cities will account for 9.7 billion of the IoT connected devices, roughly 80 percent of all connected things.

Bettina Tratz-Ryan, research vice president at Gartner, said that “electric mobility, charging stations and embedded IoT will generate additional IoT opportunities in smart cities.  This could be, for example, IoT in vehicles, or vehicle batteries sensing and communicating with the driver, or the next charging station to negotiate charging terms…  We expect commercial IoT implementations to be used across multiple industries, such as smart energy, environmental service or journey planning, which will offer TSPs the opportunity to monetize IoT by building IoT-related service models.  Significant value contribution will come from information and data analytics of IoT, which connect services to third-party transactions and billing records, as well as enabling subscriptions or on-demand services. This enables a multidimensional value chain with different partners.”

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