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Content Management: Interoperability API Edges Towards Standardization

By Dick Weisinger

It’s been a little more than a year since Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) specification was announced last September.  The OASIS CMIS Technical Committee (TC) has recently approved CMIS Version 1.0 as a Committee Draft.  It is now in its final days of public review — which will wind up on December 22nd.  The specification is then expected to be finalized in the first few months of 2010.

The CMIS specification is backed by vendors including Alfresco, Adobe Systems, EMC, IBM, Microsoft, OpenText, Oracle and SAP.  Alfresco has been ahead of the pack on promoting CMIS capabilities and is the first vendor with a complete working implementation of the CMIS spec as it is currently being reviewed.  CMIS is included in the 3.2 release of Alfresco.

“CMIS has good momentum and has the right set of vendors backing it,” the 451 Group’s Reidy said. “It will take a while for the standard, once ratified, to show up in actual, commercially supported, shipping versions of most ECM products though, just due to the release cycles of these products. But it does look like it will happen, as most have stated support and have support for the current spec in developer-only downloads and so forth.”

“Anyone who doubted that CMIS would become a real standard should think again. CMIS will have a profound impact on the Content Management industry. Now everyone can try CMIS for themselves on Alfresco and contribute to the public review process,” said John Newton, CTO, Alfresco Software.

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