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Data Governance in Government: The Need for Transparency

By Dick Weisinger

As citizens, we rarely glimpse the intricate web of data and information that the government has and how it shapes policy, security, and our daily lives. Yet, understanding how data is treated within government agencies is crucial for informed citizenship.

The Maze of Data Migration

By Dick Weisinger

Data migration, the process of transferring data between storage types, formats, or systems, is a critical task for businesses undergoing digital transformation. However, when dealing with large volumes of complex data, such as enterprise content systems with intricate workflows or

Artificial Intelligence: Composition of Experts (CoE) — Transforming Manufacturing with Modular AI

By Dick Weisinger

Yesterday’s post explored the idea of the Composition of Experts (CoE). As CoE gains traction, industries are exploring its potential in the manufacturing sector. CoE promises to revolutionize processes, enhance decision-making, and drive efficiency. Manufacturers face complex challenges—supply chain optimization,

Artificial Intelligence: Composition of Experts (CoE) –A Breakthrough in Large Language Models?

By Dick Weisinger

In the dynamic realm of artificial intelligence, a new methodology called Composition of Experts (CoE) has emerged, that has the potential to reshape the landscape of Large Language Models (LLMs). CoE diverges from the conventional monolithic model, offering a modular and cost-efficient

The Digital Transformation of Logistics: A Glimpse into the Future

By Dick Weisinger

The logistics industry is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by the advent of advanced data systems and tracking technologies. Companies are leveraging tools like Global Positioning System (GPS) and Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) to monitor their cargo with unprecedented accuracy. These digital solutions