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Data Mesh: A Paradigm Shift in Data Management

By Dick Weisinger

In the era of digital transformation, businesses are grappling with the challenge of managing vast volumes of data. The traditional centralized data management approach often leads to siloed information, slowing decision-making and hindering agility. Enter the data mesh, a new paradigm that

The Metaverse: Dead or Hibernating?

By Dick Weisinger

The Metaverse, a concept that has been the talk of the tech world, is currently in a state of flux. Some believe it’s dead, while others argue it’s merely hibernating, evolving, and preparing for a robust future. Large enterprises like

The Next Computing Paradigm: A Moving Target

By Dick Weisinger

The next computing paradigm (NCP) is a concept that has evolved to embrace the many different elements of high performance, edge and cloud computing, AI, security, and emerging areas like digital twins and metaverse under one theme. This paradigm is

The Complementary Relationship of Data Governance and Management

By Dick Weisinger

Data governance and data management, often intertwined and confused, are foundational to the effective use of data in decision-making. Data governance lays down the policies and procedures, while data management enacts these to use data effectively. They form the backbone

Navigating the Data Deluge: Challenges and Future of Data Management

By Dick Weisinger

While data is increasingly important, managing it presents significant challenges. Companies grapple with issues around governance, privacy, security, and architecture. The sheer volume of data generated is a major hurdle. As one leader put it, “Volumes continue to rise across