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SOA: The Second Coming of SOA

By Dick Weisinger

Most of 2009 was filled with bad news around SOA, from an obituary by Anne Thomas Manes in January to the doom and gloom headlines of how the recession was hitting IT budgets, particularly new initiatives like SOA.  Half a year past 2009, Forrester is reflecting on what actually happened last year in the SOA industry and has some predictions about where it thinks that SOA is heading in the future.  Maybe things weren’t as bad as they seemed for SOA technologies, and the outlook that Forrester has for SOA going forward is quite positive.

The Forrester report called “State of SOA Survey for 2010” found that organizations of all sizes are applying SOA to their business solutions.  Among all organizations, SOA is being used by 62 percent, a 10 percent increase from 2009.

Among the large Global 2000 enterprises, 84 percent are using SOA or will be by the end of 2010, and among that group of large organizations, 70 report that SOA is deliverying benefit to the point where they intend to expand their SOA efforts.  Among small and medium size organizations, 44 percent use SOA, up 29 percent from 2009.

Among the organizations of all sizes that are using SOA, only one to three percent of them have actually had to cut back budgets or abandon SOA efforts.

Of those organizations using SOA, 61 percent use it for more than 10 percent of their projects and 12 percent use if for 50 percent of their projects.  65 percent are reporting success with their SOA projects.  23.19% have had considerable success and 42.39% report some success.

When asked what their major challenges were around SOA, more than a quarter said that they need to really think about and design well how SOA fits into their other initiatives, like BPM and BI, in order to integrate with them well and avoid the creation of additional data silos.

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