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BPM: Investment in Efficiencies

By Dick Weisinger

Enterprise software spending has been down considerably in 2009.  But there are pockets in the industry where that has not been the case.  Business Process Management / Workflow spending is an example of one segment that is an exception.

In tough times, organizations are looking to maximize their process efficiencies, and many are seeing BPM as a tool that can help.  Gartner reports that more than half of enterprises plan to increase spending on BPM by at least 5 percent.  And about 30 percent plan to increase BPM spending by 10 percent or more.

“Companies that ramp up their BPM investments now are going to be poised for growth when the economy rebounds,” said Michele Cantara, research vice president at Gartner. “These organizations are largely optimistic about their growth prospects over the next 12 months.”

Those companies that are investing in BPM are optimistic for the future.  As many as 42% of them are expecting to grow in 2009, while only 23% are expecting to decline.

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