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Collaboration: Little Value Unless it can Address Solving a Business Problem

By Dick Weisinger

Too much emphasis on the technology  and not enough on how to solve business problems is often the reason why a technology will fail.  Gartner says that’s exactly what’s been happening with Collaboration technologies.  Carol Rozwell, vice President at Gartner said that “rather than making technology the starting point, IT leaders should first identify real business problems and key performance indicators (KPIs) that link to business goals.”

It’s been said over and over, but it’s something that sinks in very slowly, that technology is best used when it is treated as a tool and not as an end in itself.    Gartner recently outlined five things to consider when planning to adopt collaborative technologies:

Focus on solving problems. Determine how social media and collaboration could play the role of a tool in being able to take on business problems.  Social Media and Collaboration ‘initiatives’ are ultimately misguided — the focus should be on the business.

Determine if  Collaboration a Good Thing. Collaboration can be a good thing, but the value that the technology can extend to any one particular project will vary.  Think through the benefits that collaboration can provide.  Are the benefits and ROI compelling enough to move forward with the technology?

Avoid overlapping tools. Layering collaboration tools on top of existing tools like email adds to confusion about knowing which tool to use.  Previous communication methods like email may still dominate, but employees will find that they now need to not only monitor emails, but also collaboration and social media communications.

Encourage collaboration. Gartner points out that many people will never accept and use collaborative tools, but the majority of people will if properly encouraged.

Establish guidelines. Set policies and guidelines for how and when technology tools should be used.  Without guidelines, people will either be confused or not use technology tools in a consistent way.  Gartner says that “A better approach is to clarify what attitude a collaborative individual needs to bring to their work, what abilities and skills they need to master and what personal style works well in a team setting.”

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