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Content Management: Assessing the Benefits and the ROI

By Dick Weisinger

Most organizations, at some level, perform an ROI assessment during the evaluation of any technology.  When considering technologies like Content Management and Collaboration, ROI has often been something that has been hard to quantify.   It is clear that these technologies bring efficiencies and improvements to business processes, but measuring just how much can be hard.   A new whitepaper from AIIM reviews and tries to quantify the benefits that can be derived from implementing a Content Management solution.

Organizational / Business Improvement Benefits

  • 61 percent of organizations find that they are not currently able to fully leverage all knowledge and information that has been collected
  • 37 minutes, or roughly 8% of every day, is spent on average by every employee searching for and organizing information
  • Employees estimate that they could be 30 percent more productive if they could locate internal data as quickly as they can find data on the web
  • Processes that involve the collection of data with paper forms could be made more than 33 percent more efficient if the forms were scanned with automatic data capture
  • Customer service response times could be 30 percent faster if all information for a customer could be aggregated and accessed from a consolidated dashboard
  • Organizational teams that use collaboration tools can improve project delivery timescales and reduce costs on average of 23 percent
  • Mobile workers can be made 25 percent more efficient by improving their remote access capabilities
  • Social Business Systems or Enterprise 2.0 applications can improve productivity and engagement by as much as 18 percent

Storage Reduction Benefits

  • Converting from paper based forms to electronic forms can result in as much as a 60 percent savings in storage space
  • 46 percent of organizations worry that they are currently on an unsustainable course if no changes are made to their current process for handling unstructured data

Security Benefits

  • One third of organizations currently have no way currently to identify which employees could potentially be responsible for data leaks
  • 40 percent of organizations think that a compliance breach will cost them financially, and 66 percent expect that their reputation could be damaged should a breach occur
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