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ECM: Enterprise 2.0 Moves Closer to Becoming Reality

By Dick Weisinger

Businesses are blogging!  And they’re using wikis and forums and social networks too.  Enterprises have been slow to pick up on many of the Web 2.0 trends that have become standard part of the lives of web users outside of the officeplace, but that’s changing.  In fact, AIIM found that now half of organizations consider enterprise 2.0 technologies to be important or very important to their business goals and success.  And only 25% of organizations are ignoring the trends entirely by doing nothing. The interest in Enterprise 2.0 has nearly doubled since an earlier survey was done by AIIM in mid-2008.

The driver behind the interest in enterprise 2.0 is that organizations are more productive and flexible when they are able to collaborate well, and enterprise 2.0 enables better collaboration.  But enterprises still have a long ways to go.  71% say that navigating information on the internet is still far easier to do than in the workplace.   And enterprises haven’t yet put together policies regarding these new tools — only 30% of companies have policies around blogs, forums and social networks.  That compares to 88% of companies with policies around emails.

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