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SOA: IBM Bypasses Standards with new WSRR Release

By Dick Weisinger

UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integraion) has been a long neglected component of the SOA stack.  Its was designed as a registry for all Web Services information.  It is a catalog of metadata about and descriptions of Web Service interfaces.  UDDI is a tool for searching and discovering services available for consumption — in a sense, it is a sort of search engine for Web Services.

In early generations of SOA implementations the number of services available in an organization was typically small and the system implementers had few peers creating Web Services — and because of that, there weren’t any other services available to be discovered.  But as SOA takes root and as more applications and projects make services available, so does the need for creating a central registry.

UDDI was first proposed by IBM, Microsoft and Ariba in 2000.  After years of very lukewarm acceptance, over the last year or two, UDDI seemed finally to be catching on.  But now IBM, one of the original authors of UDDI, has introduced a non-UDDI compliant registry in their WebSphere Service Registry and Repository (WSRR) 6.0.1 product.

SOA is all about integrating very diverse and heterogeneous services, but WSRR will only work in environments dominated by the WebSphere platform.  HP’s Systinet product is the leader in SOA governance, but WSRR is number two.  Because the number of enterprises using WebSphere is large, IBM may be able to ultimately force others to adopt WSRR or a version of UDDI with elements of WSRR.

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