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Cloud Computing: Open Source Options See Low Number of Adopters amid Worries of Maturity of Technology

By Dick Weisinger

There’s been a lot of buzz about platforms like OpenStack that create an Open Source platform for building a cloud.  While interest in cloud computing in general is hyped incredibly high, surprisingly, a report from Zenoss finds that there hasn’t been much interest in adopting Open Source versions of the cloud.

Competitors in the Open Source Cloud Computing space include OpenStack, CloudStack, and Eucalyptus.  In the Zenoss poll of IT professionals, 83 percent are not using an open cloud platform.  And the reason most frequently given as to ‘why not?’ is ‘maturity’.  As for additional reasons cited as to why these tools aren’t being used, 30.7 say that lack of good support for the open source cl0ud stack tools, and 29 percent worry about security.

Floyd Strimling, VP of community and technical evangelist at Zenoss, said that “While much of the open cloud excitement has been centred on the newly launched OpenStack Foundation, the vast majority of our survey respondents have not yet deployed a solution. The survey indicates there is a three horse race between OpenStack, CloudStack, and Eucalyptus with many challenges needing to be solved before full open source cloud adoption will take place.”

Of the available Open Source options, 50.5 percent say that they are most interested in OpenStack, with 18.3 percent preferring CloudStack and 9.2 percent saying that they prefer Eucalyptus.  One-quarter say that they plan to start kicking the tires with pilot deployments sometime in 2013, while everyone else says that Open Source cloud computing is at least 2-3 years away for them.

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