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Yearly Archives: 2006

Does SOA consolidation run counter to basic SOA Philosophy?

By Dick Weisinger

Much of the success of SOA and Web Services technologies has been driven by the benefits of loose coupling and easy interoperability of different services.  The SOA philosophy allows and encourages a best-of-breed approach in selecting and combining services.  And because

SOA: 2007 SOA Prediction Round-up

By Dick Weisinger

To close out the year, ZDNet and InfoWorld both collected thoughts from some of the thought leaders about SOA. Here are some of their findings: 2007 had many consolidations, mergers and acquisitions.     RedHat acquired JBoss     HP acquired Mercury

SaaS to Further Erode US IT?

By Dick Weisinger

InfoWorld‘s Immodest Predictions for 2007 are headlined in their December 18th issue.  They include: Sun Microsystems will bounce back with great technology and Open Source offerings CPU performance (64-bit and denser multi-cores) will trump “green” and low-watt Cisco will continue

Content Management: Reasons for Adopting An Email Archive Solution

By Dick Weisinger

Email has become a primary tool for business communication, and management of the content found in emails has become increasingly important for businesses. Three reasons for adopting an email archiving solution: 1.  Mailbox Management.  Very often the storage costs for keeping email on

SaaS: SMBs Set the Trend with SaaS

By Dick Weisinger

Enterprise-class software is usually equated to big dollars that only big companies can afford.  The trend had long been for large enterprises to lead software adoption followed by lighter versions of similar software eventually trickling down for use at smaller companies.  But SaaS is turning