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Yearly Archives: 2006

SaaS and SOA: Powerful synergies for next-generation applications

By Dick Weisinger

SaaS offloads hosting, maintenance and daily technical operations of IT onto an external provider.  SOA allows loosely-coupled networked data services to inter-communicate and act as building blocks for consumption by composite applications. Both of these emerging technologies provide new models for delivering IT

Compliance: SEC Relaxes Sarbanes-Oxley for Smaller Companies

By Dick Weisinger

Much of the core of Sarbanes-Oxley regulations and the philosophy that drove it into being is about good business.  Sarbanes-Oxley is a call to businesses to strengthen their attention on internal control.  But that’s not to say that Sarbanes-Oxley is without its problems. The

Compliance: FRCP Rule 26(f) — Being Prepared to Provide Your Data

By Dick Weisinger

The new Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) rules went into effect on December 1st.  What do the new rules mean?  There’s no easy answer, but let’s look in a little more depth at just one part of the regulatations relating