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Security: Shifting Left for Better Security and Product Quality

By Dick Weisinger

Application security has evolved. Traditionally, applications were created and deployed. Then the IT and security team would erect a firewall and build security around the application to protect it from unauthorized entry. Security was something very remote from the development process.

But as applications move to and are developed specifically for the cloud, securing them has become more challenging. There has been a shift in attitude along with the realization that security needs to be baked into an application from early on. The paradigm change has been labeled a “shift left” — a shift of focus to an earlier point in the timeline during development for where security needs to be considered.

The benefits of “shift left security” include:

  • Streamlined schedules. Waiting to test security issues late in the process can result in finding issues that may involve extensive development rework, adding unexpected time to the schedule.
  • Cost savings. Fixing or avoiding problems early on in the process simply saves money.
  • Better product. Features included early on in development design are generally better architected with cleaner code compared to code that is added later to remedy defects found during testing or deployment.
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