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Big Data: Growth Slows a Bit, but Continues to Barrel Along

By Dick Weisinger

The Big Data technology and services market is expected to grow 26.4 percent annually through 2018 when it will reach a size of $41.5 billion, says IDC.  That’s roughly six times the growth rate of the overall average of the technology market.  But already the rate of expansion for the technology isn’t as quick as it once was.

Ashish Nadkarni, research director, Storage Systems and Big Data research at IDC, said that “the hype surrounding Big Data appears to be tempering down.  This is a sign that the technologies are maturing and making their way into the fabric of how organizations operate and firms conduct their business.”

The IDC report also noted that:

  • Big Data infrastructure sales make up nearly half of the market
  • The Americas lead the investment in Big Data, but EMA and Asia/Pacific account for nearly 45 percent of the spend on Big Data
  • Large IT suppliers will likely soon attempt to acquire smaller vendors focused on Big Data

Many analysts feel that what we’ve seen in Big Data so far is just a pre-show to ultimately a much bigger role in IT’s future.  Mike Olson, CSO at Cloudera, for example, said that “over the next ten years, real growth will be driven by instrumentation of the planet: Sensors in engines and buildings and roadways, for example.  We’ve had those for some time, sure, but they were never connected to the network. That’s changing now. As it does, it will drive a dramatic change in the character and the quantity of data available to us.”

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