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3D Printing: Amazon and Staples Help Promote Printing Technology

By Dick Weisinger

Global shipments of 3D printers is expected to increase by 75 percent in 2014 and then in 2014 it is expected to double.  By 2030 Strategy Analytics conservatively predicts that the 3D printing industry can become a $70 billion per-year

Industrial 3D Printing: A Revolution in Manufacturing

By Dick Weisinger

Two-thirds of industrial manufacturers are beginning to explore the use of 3D printing (3DP) technology.  Those manufacturers are using 3DP to build prototypes and create final products, as reported by PWC in a recent report. President Obama in both his

3D Printing: Technology with Enormous Potential, but Complicated by Ethical and IP Theft Issues

By Dick Weisinger

3D printing technology is advancing dramatically and is on a collision course with questions on ethics and IP protection. A Boom in DIY Consumer Manufacturing Miriam Burt, Research Vice President at Gartner, said that “some retailers are already selling 3D printers

3D Printing: The Coming Revolution in Manufacturing

By Dick Weisinger

3D printing market is expected to grow more than 20 percent annually, reaching $5 billion by 2017, based on estimates from  The report concludes that plastics will remain as the dominant material used for printing, but that metal printers