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Augmented Reality: Bionic-Eye AR Contact Lenses

By Dick Weisinger

We’ve all seen clips of users with virtual reality goggles bending backwards and spinning their heads to see the corners of a virtual environment that is projected all around them. But rather than goggles that totally cover and hide the

AR and VR: Expect Dramatic Growth in 2020

By Dick Weisinger

The market for Augmented and Virtual Reality is exploding. Analysts had high expectation early in the year. But people sheltering at home this year from the pandemic may spike the numbers even stronger. Jitesh Ubrani, research manager of IDC mobile

AR in Manufacturing: Changing the Human-Computer Experience

By Dick Weisinger

Augmented Reality (AR) technology isn’t just for gamers. Manufacturers are becoming adopters of the technology too. It’s being used to annotate the parts, objects, and processes used for manufacturing. A report from PwC found that “what we’re seeing, is that

Extended Reality: Redefining the Human Relationship with Technology

By Dick Weisinger

Extended Reality (XR) refers to both Augmented (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). Augmented Reality projects images onto the world around the user while Virtual Reality requires a headset which fully immerses the user into a virtual world. Initial XR applications

Augmented Reality: Enhancing our View of the World

By Dick Weisinger

Augmented Reality (AR) is digital data that superimposes a user’s view of real-world objects. It is technology that enhances the things that we see, hear and feel. Spending on Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality will reach $160 billion by 2023,