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Microservices: Are they Worth the Complexity?

By Dick Weisinger

Scaling, resilience and performance are some of the benefits that come with a microservice architecture. Huge applications can be broken up into smaller pieces, and the individual pieces can then be scaled independently. Leif Beaton, Senior Solutions Architect at NGINX,

API-Centric Service Mesh: Microservices with Observability, Security and Reliability

By Dick Weisinger

A Service Mesh is an infrastructure layer built into an application that allows communication between services and microservices in the application. Some open source project provide service mesh capabilities, like Istio, Linkerd and Kuma. RedHat explains the need for a

Microservices: Better Scalability and Faster Deployments, but not Universally Good for all Apps

By Dick Weisinger

Traditionally applications have been developed as monoliths. The code is a single code base running on a single server. But as the code base grows, apps designed as monoliths typically become difficult to maintain and develop new features for. Microservices

Microservices: Provides Benefits of Resiliency and Incremental Upgradability

By Dick Weisinger

Globally, the microservices market is estimated to grow 24 percent over the next five years by Report Consultant. Microservices is the building of applications and larger services from many loosely coupled services that serve as data and computing resources for

Microservices: Huge Potential, but getting it Right Requires Discipline, Organization and Maturity

By Dick Weisinger

Microservices is a type of software architecture that decomposes applications and projects into independent modules that perform well-defined and discrete tasks.  Microservices are self-contained and are accessed via a well-defined API interface. Promoters of microservices note that scalability and granularity