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Data and Government: The DATA Act – Making Federal Spending Transparent

By Dick Weisinger

The May of 2017, Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (the DATA Act) mandated that data be reported from federal agencies.  That data is collected and is then made available so that the public can begin to track government spending. The

Open Data: Use of Government Open Data Promotes Innovation

By Dick Weisinger

What has been the effect of the use of Open Data by governments?  A new report from the Center for Open Data Enterprise and the Open Data for Development Network examined the use of Open Data by 87 different countries. Findings from the

Open Data: Government Continues to Expand Investment

By Dick Weisinger

Open data is data made openly available, often by an API, that allows others to use, republish and repurpose the information with no copyright or patent restrictions.  The term is often applied especially to data collected by all levels of

Open Data: The Opportunity Project’s Goal to Improve Urban Communitites

By Dick Weisinger

Last month the Obama administration announced what they called The Opportunity Project, a plan to grow the collaboration between the public and private sectors.  The website for the project self-describes itself as being “about all of us working together to increase opportunity

Open Data: Poor Quality Threaten Usefulness of Data Sets

By Dick Weisinger

Open Data, data published by governments, organizations and businesses for use in the public domain, have touted economic and social benefits. A big problem though with Open Data is that it’s difficult to know the quality of the data that’s