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Transparency 2024: The Evolution and Impact of Open Government

By Dick Weisinger

In 2024, Open Government has made significant strides, becoming a symbol of transparency and accountability. The U.S. Government has been working diligently to bridge the gap between the Federal government and the people it serves. The Open Government Directive encourages

Data and Government: The DATA Act – Making Federal Spending Transparent

By Dick Weisinger

The May of 2017, Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (the DATA Act) mandated that data be reported from federal agencies.  That data is collected and is then made available so that the public can begin to track government spending. The

Open Government: Feds try to Reduce Duplication and Encourage Innovation with Open Source

By Dick Weisinger

Once shunned by governments, open source code is becoming a priority within federal government.  A new policy introduced by Federal CIO Tony Scott calls for all software written within the government to be available to all other federal department or agency.