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SaaS: Oracle Virtualization Challenges Multi-Tenancy

By Dick Weisinger

Oracle is beginning to go after the On-Demand market. But their approach is different. They are directly challenging the the SaaS leader Salesforce and the Salesforce multi-tenancy approach to SaaS applications. One big reason is security, another is customizability. Multi-tenancy

Oracle: Ellison Blasts "Cloud Computing"

By Dick Weisinger

The Wall Street Journal and Reuters had some great quotes that came out of an analyst session with Oracle’s Larry Ellison. During the session he blasts the idea of “Cloud Computing” as the latested over-hyped buzzword. While there’s some truth

Oracle: Flying Into the Cloud

By Dick Weisinger

To date Oracle has had a very has had pretty limited activity in the area of on-Demand. But that’s not to say that Oracle hasn’t seen value in SaaS and “Cloud Computing”. They see value in supplying SaaS vendors with

Oracle: A bright spot in a down economy

By Dick Weisinger

While the rest of the economy has been on a downward path since the beginning of the year, Oracle is an exception. At the end of May, Oracle closed out it’s fiscal year with strong growth. Total revenues reached $22.4

Technology: Middleware market leaders

By Dick Weisinger

Gartner released their numbers about the top application and middleware software (AIM) vendors last week. Based on their findings, they rank IBM as number one in marketshare, standing somewhere at around 29 percent, nearly three times any of the competitors.