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Web Servers and SOA: Growth in Services Causes Shift from Apache to NGINX For Better Speed and Scalability

By Dick Weisinger

Apache and Microsoft IIS and Nano web server technology account for the majority of today’s production web servers.  But times change and technology evolves.  A relatively new open-source web server called nginx (Pronounced “Engine X”)  is slowly eroding market share

SOA: An Architectural Foundation of Re-usability and Scalability

By Dick Weisinger

The Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) market size was $5.7 billion in 2013 and is expected to grow to $15.1 billion in 2019 and reach $16.4 billion in 2020, based on a report by Winter Green Research.  Driving much of the growth is

Microservices: The Rise of the Minimal Component Architecture

By Dick Weisinger

Microservices are lightweight fine-grained services that can be deployed with middleware or brokers.  The idea behind the approach has been around for some time, but a convergence of technologies, like the cloud, containers and REST/JSON services is making the approach

Microservices: A new Brand of SOA?

By Dick Weisinger

Breaking something big down into smaller easier-to-manage components is a best-practice design technique that applies to many disciplines, especially software engineering.  The idea’s not necessarily new, but it is at the heart of a design approach being promoted recently called

SOA: Businesses increasingly adopt SOA for greater Flexibility and Control

By Dick Weisinger

Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a software design methodology that modularizes software into discrete self-contained services.  Each service is designed to provide a tightly-defined function and is typically accessed over a network as a web service that can exchangesdata formatted