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SOA: The Second Coming of SOA

By Dick Weisinger

Most of 2009 was filled with bad news around SOA, from an obituary by Anne Thomas Manes in January to the doom and gloom headlines of how the recession was hitting IT budgets, particularly new initiatives like SOA.  Half a

SOA: Back from the Dead?

By Dick Weisinger

About a year ago Anne Thomas Manes of the Burton Group declared that “SOA is Dead; Long live Services!”.   Manes wrote that “SOA met its demise on January 1, 2009, when it was wiped out by the catastrophic impact

Technology: Bridging the Data Silo

By Dick Weisinger

Silos of information have been in the crosshairs of technologists for decades, but it seems like the more people try to eradicate silos, new ones continually pop up. For example, today’s first-generation SaaS applications are providing a fertile ground for

Oracle: What is Oracle Fusion 11g?

By Dick Weisinger

Oracle has been talking about it for years and it is now finally released:  Oracle Fusion 11g.  The name fusion comes from Oracle’s goal to meld together the best parts from Oracle’s many software acquisitions (58 so far). What is

SOA: Everybody is Doing it, Should You?

By Dick Weisinger

Earlier in the year, analysts have argued about whether SOA is a dead technology.  Despite the talk, surveys have found that SOA adoption is way up and growing.  But Gartner is questioning the meaning of the numbers. SOA adoption is