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Software-Defined Satellites: Hardware Goes Commodity and Software is the new Discriminator

By Dick Weisinger

Technology changes rapidly, but traditionally once a satellite is launched, its design and technology have been frozen. Satellites have been deployed to perform specific tasks until their end of life brings them crashing down back to earth. Being able to

The Software Defined Enterprise: Composable Infrastructure

By Dick Weisinger

Composable Infrastructure is the total software management of compute, storage and networking infrastructure.  It decomposes each of those basic elements of infrastructure into pools of resources that can be turned on or off as needed. Composable Infrastructure brings together ideas

Enterprise IT Infrastructure: Hyperconvergence Consolidates Infrastructure into a Single Hardware Box

By Dick Weisinger

A complete enterprise network packaged in a box.  That’s sort of what a technology called hyper-convergence infrastructure (HCI) is promising.  It is a single hardware box that can be bought in commodity that integrates compute, storage, networking and virtualization resources.

Server Virtualization: Competing Newer Technologies Challenge the Once Hot Market Segment

By Dick Weisinger

This year the server virtualization market is expected to reach $5.6 billion, according to Gartner.  Despite these large number of dollars, the Gartner report finds that the bulk of the money is being generated from maintenance of existing licenses, not

Software-Defined Everything (SDx): Using Software as the Platform for Building Businesses

By Dick Weisinger

Marc Andreessen said that “software is eating the world”.   Software is becoming the controlling factor for how almost everything works. In 2015 we saw the continued rise of software with the emergence of technologies like the Software-Defined Network (SDN), Software-Defined Storage (SDS), and the Software-defined