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Databases: Strong Movement from Commercial to Open Source

By Dick Weisinger

The future of databases is open source.  Gartner predicts that within the next three years more than 70 percent of all new applications will be based on open source databases and that half of existing applications that are using commercial RDBMS

Structured Data: Traditional RDBMS Databases Still Rule Data Management

By Dick Weisinger

A recent report by Dell finds that structured and transactional data remains as some of the most highly valued data managed by businesses. The Dell report found that “although advancements in the ability to capture, store, retrieve and analyze new

Unstructured + Structured Data: The Challenge of Seeing the Two in Context

By Formtek

Analysts estimate that 80 percent of all new data created is unstructured data.  It’s this crushing amount of data that is driving much of the interest behind Big Data tools like Hadoop.  Extracting information from unstructured data is a big part of the

Digital Transformation: One Third of Market Leaders to be Toppled by Digital Disruptors in Three Years

By Dick Weisinger

In just three years, one third of of top twenty market share leaders will have been disrupted by market competitors that use digital technologies to one-up existing leaders, says IDC. Meredith Whalen, Senior Vice President at IDC, said that “digital technology

Unstructured Data: Using Analytics to Make Sense of Dark Data’s Secrets

By Dick Weisinger

Unstructured data is electronic information that isn’t rigidly divided into small bits of data and stored in data structures like the tables of a database or the elements of an XML document.  Because of that, unstructured data is difficult to