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SOA: IBM Bypasses Standards with new WSRR Release

By Dick Weisinger

UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integraion) has been a long neglected component of the SOA stack.  Its was designed as a registry for all Web Services information.  It is a catalog of metadata about and descriptions of Web Service interfaces.  UDDI is a tool for

Web 2.0 + SaaS: Software Development and Deployment as a Service (SDDS)

By Dick Weisinger

Bungee Labs unveiled the Bungee Connect on-demand development environment at the Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco in mid-April.  The new platform targets small and medium sized businesses, allowing them to quickly create highly-scalable Web 2.0 applications based on APIs from

SOA: Web Services in a Nutshell

By Dick Weisinger

Stefan Tilkov of InnoQ, a German services company with expertise in Software architecture related to SOA, Web Services, SOAP, WSDL, UDDI and XML, has created a vendor-neutral poster showing a matrix of Web Services Standards. The poster isa useful collection of more than

SOA: Revolution in Computing — Event Stream Processing

By Dick Weisinger

Oracle proposed a vision of next-generation SOA called SOA 2.0 based on asynchronous events being triggered by alerts and event notifications.  While the Oracle marketing machine faltered with that vision, the idea an SOA architecture with ‘smarter’ events may not

SOA: Governance needs drive renewed interest in UDDI

By Dick Weisinger

Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) has been a long-ignored component of the SOA framework.  It is an open industry initiative that has been approved as an OASIS standard to allow the registration and discovery of web services.  The current specification is at version 3. UDDI