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ECM: Is ECM on your Disaster Recovery CheckList?

By Dick Weisinger

Of 1500 ECM clients that Gartner speaks to regularly, none even think to ever bring up the subject of disaster recovery (DR), says Gartner analyst John Morency.  And that’s a problem.

“In a lot of cases they are so focused on the primary data center, the ERP, the email, the supply chain management  applications, that quite often, content management is more of an afterthought,” said Morency, research director at the Stamford, Conn.-based consultancy. “Obviously, that is a risk. I see it in spades with state governments.  For more often than not, their DR programs do not cover this, and they know it.”

Conversion of paper documents to electronic format is a good first step in setting up a disaster recovery plan.  Doing that can eliminate risks involved in archiving paper documents.  And it also improves business efficiency and business processing.  But the next step is to make sure that ECM data is getting backed up.

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