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Enterprise Search: Looking for More

By Dick Weisinger

It’s no secret that the keys to Enterprise Search have been missing for some time.   Users complain that while searching on Google or Bing is intuitive and easy, trying to find enterprise data is anything but.  It’s not that Enterprise search vendors aren’t trying.  It’s just that the simple page-rank-equivalent search algorithm hasn’t been found yet.

Recent numbers from an AIIM survey around search and business analytics confirm this basic sentiment among enterprise users:

  • 72 percent say directly that they can find information more easily on the internet than they can within their own companies.
  • 70 percent say that they require more advanced search and analytic capabilities to do a better job of searching
  • 59 percent of users think that faceted search across multiple metadata tags would improve their search
  • Of the 47 percent who use advanced search capabilities, more than half feel that it is inadequate, saying that they need something more powerful.
  • The ability to “research” is three to six times less than the ability to “search”.

The survey also turned up some other interesting findings.  Rather than pushing people towards more structured life-cycle management of their documents, compliance and regulations have generated a lot of fear that something may be inadvertently deleted.  Further, only 15 percent of users have a way to automatically detect and delete duplicate data.

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