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The Evolution of Enterprise Search: From Solr to Elasticsearch and Beyond

By Dick Weisinger

The landscape of enterprise search has transformed significantly over the past decade, with Apache Solr and Elasticsearch emerging as dominant players. However, as technology continues to advance, new alternatives are challenging the status quo and reshaping the future of search

Search Engine Showdown: Elasticsearch and Solr

By Dick Weisinger

In the realm of open-source search engines, two names reign supreme: Elasticsearch and Solr. Born from the same Apache Lucene lineage, they’ve charted different paths over time. Solr, the elder of the two, has been serving the industry since 2004, while

The Future of Enterprise Search: Solr, Elasticsearch, and Vespa

By Dick Weisinger

Enterprise search is used for finding and retrieving information from various sources within an organization, such as databases, documents, emails, and intranets. It enables users to access relevant and timely information across different platforms and devices, improving productivity, collaboration, and

The Future of Search: Solr vs. Elasticsearch

By Dick Weisinger

Solr and Elasticsearch are two of the most popular search technologies in use today. Both are open-source, enterprise-grade search engines that are used to index and query data. They are important because they provide fast, accurate, and scalable search capabilities

Natural Language Processing: Enterprises Tap AI to Improve Internal and External Communication

By Dick Weisinger

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is the use of Artificial Intelligence algorithms to process, understand and generate human text and speech. NLP technology is being used with chatbots, smart machines, and language translation applications. Walt Kristick, senior vice president at apexanalytix,