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Technology: The Key is Getting IT to talk with Business

By Dick Weisinger

A few weeks back we reported that there were growing rifts between IT and Legal groups within companies over issues that require close cooperation between the two groups, like on projects related to compliance or eDiscovery.  Now there’s another report, this one coming from a survey taken of Canadian organizations, that says that large companies with their bureaucracy and hierarchy are stifling good relations between IT and other business groups.

The survey in Canada involved 268 different IT professionals and covered topics like risk and data management.  On the topic of how well IT can communicate with the business executives in the company, 37 percent said that they felt that they just didn’t have enough clout to be able to start up a discussion with a c-level person about concerns around data and data risks.

32 percent of the IT professionals survey said that just the structure of their organization made change very difficult.  And 28 percent said that they aren’t being given the budget that they’re requesting for their data management activities.  19 percent said that they were basically satisfied with the way that things were and had no problem with the business structure or communications in their organization.

The conclusion of the survey is that IT professionals need to try to speak up more.  They need to prepare.  They need to be able to explain clearly to a c-level type what possible data risks their organization might be facing, what the possible consequences are, and explain what the recommended plan for addressing the data and data risk problems is.

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