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Serverless: Lower Cost, Fewer Infrastructure Worries, and Simplicity for Developers
Serverless computing is one of the fastest growing areas of cloud computing. More than 40 percent of organizations queries by an O’Reilly survey had started using serverless, and of those, more than half have only started using serverless over the last three years. A report by DataDog found that serverless lambda functions were invoked 3.5 times more frequently in 2021 compared to 2019.
The benefits of serverless are lower costs, reduced infrastructure management, and greater simplicity for developers. There is no hardware to manage and the functions deployed are highly scalable.
Mary Johnston Turner, vice president at IDC, said that “not every workload is going to be suitable for a serverless environment. But even if these organizations can offload 10%, 15%, 20% of their really basic infrastructure … that’s going to give them resources they can deploy elsewhere. … [Eventually] serverless technologies are going to be mature enough that enterprises [must look] at them as one of many options for how they optimize where they apply their internal people skills, versus where they partner with a service provider.”
John Osborne, chief architect at Red Hat, said that “once you go down the serverless path you realize that there are a lot of trickle down ramifications from using existing tools and frameworks up through workflows and architecture models. If you’re using containers, it’s just a much better way to meet you wherever you are in terms of those tools and workflows, such as logging operations and so forth. Open source is really where all the momentum is right now. It’s a big wave; I tell customers to get ahead of it as much as they can. At least start to look into this kind of development model.”