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Adaptive Intelligence: Optimizing Data to Maximize Business Value

By Dick Weisinger

About one year ago Forrester named the top technologies trends for 2014.  Number five on their list was about businesses adopting analytics by apply adaptive intelligence.

Just what is adaptive intelligence, and what impact has it had during the course of 2014?  Forrester analyst Fatemeh Khatbloo defined Adaptive Intelligence (AI) as “the real-time, multidirectional sharing of data to derive contextually appropriate, authoritative knowledge that helps maximize business value.”

Benefits of the technology include:

  • Better knowledge sharing leads to ‘data innovations’ and ultimately reduces redundancies that occurs in the data that’s acquired
  • Better knowledge of how data originated provides a solid foundation and confidence about the results derived from the data using analytics
  • Better governance and control over data leads to improved privacy and security
  • Better data structure makes data easier to analyze and share among systems
  • Better interoperability of data means that wider ranges of data can be consumed, shared and analyzed

One interesting facet of AI and data sharing is a sort of Open Data perspective.  If businesses can open up data normally considered proprietary to their business to third parties, often there are unexpected benefits.  Businesses are finding that by opening up anonymized data sets to third parties that often the data can be combined, mixed and presented in ways far beyond where the lens of the business is currently focused on, often resulting in unexpected innovation.

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