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Big Data: Marketers See Digital as the Future of their Business

By Dick Weisinger

One area where Big Data is having a major impact is marketing.  A recent report by Terradata profiles with numbers and an infographic the effect Big Data is having on marketing.  The Infographic is available here.

The report found that:

  • 50 percent of marketers say that data is underutilized in their business with only 10 percent utilizing data in a systematic way.
  • 78 percent of marketers say that they are feeling pressured to become more data driven
  • 33 percent of marketers say that they’re now using data systematically, and this is expected to increase to 56 percent by next year
  • A top priority of marketers is to be able to create a single view of all interactions a given customer has with their organization, but only 18 percent of businesses say that they’ve been able to create that.
  • 65 percent of marketers say that data silos are preventing them from getting a single consolidated view of their customers and their campaigns.
  • While Big Data Analytics is all about being able to quantify and measure business parameters and actions, 75 percent say that calculating a return on investment for their marketing tools and campaigns is difficult.

Why are marketers looking to morph their strategies into data-driven ones?

  1. Better Efficiency
  2. Become Better at Making Decisions by applying Metrics and Analytics
  3. Gain Better Cross-Channel Insights
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