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Edge and Fog Computing: Data Preprocessing to Avoid Latency and Bandwidth Problems

By Dick Weisinger

Data centers are dying. They are being shut down, downsized or overlooked as new IT expenditures are earmarked for the Cloud. Gartner says that by 2025 80 percent of today’s data centers will have been shut down. Cloud infrastructure provides

Edge Computing: Powerful Devices, Real Time Computing, and High Levels of Connectivity will Drive Decentralization

By Dick Weisinger

With the rise of Cloud Computing one might guess that the future of enterprise data is centralization within the cloud. But analysts think that just the opposite will happen.  Enterprise data will instead become more decentralized, driven by high levels

Fog and Edge Computing: Network Architectures that Decentralize IoT Data Collection

By Dick Weisinger

Many applications have been built with a client-server model that centralizes most of the processing and data storage on a central server.  But if huge numbers of clients are added to the network, the model breaks down when the server becomes overloaded