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Oracle: Awash in Maintenance Dollars

By Dick Weisinger

Oracle recently closed their fourth quarter books, reporting mixed results in terms of revenue.   But one eye-popping number was Oracle’s Operating Margins — 51%.  That’s the highest margin ever reported by Oracle, and it blows away the results from most

Oracle: What is Oracle Fusion 11g?

By Dick Weisinger

Oracle has been talking about it for years and it is now finally released:  Oracle Fusion 11g.  The name fusion comes from Oracle’s goal to meld together the best parts from Oracle’s many software acquisitions (58 so far). What is

SaaS: Oracle's Ellison does About Face on on-Demand

By Dick Weisinger

In an about face for Oracle, Larry Ellison is predicting that Oracle will become the number one player in the on-Demand marketplace. Ellison’s stance had been for some time that while on-Demand is an interesting concept, the market wasn’t lucrative

Technology: Reprieve on Maintenance Fees

By Dick Weisinger

Both SAP and Oracle have long held firm in maintaining high support fees — money they say they need to not only provide quality support, but also to continue to develop and improve their branded software products.  Oracle is already

Open Source: Open Source Leader — Oracle?

By Dick Weisinger

The Oracle acquisition of Sun is still in progress, and Sun continues to push the Open Source mantra.  The day after the acquisition announcement, Sun signed an agreement with China’s State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs and agreed to set