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Product Lifecycle: PLM Makes Engineers 2.4x More Productive

By Dick Weisinger

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is the process of managing all aspects of the life cycle of a product, from the initial concept, to the design, engineering, manufacture, service and final disposal. Benefits often cited from PLM often include: Better quality

PLM+ALM: Product Management Evolving into Systems of Systems

By Dick Weisinger

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) software manages the lifecycle of a product, through all phases, including concept, design, manufacturing, and maintenance. PLM systems allow businesses to track the evolution of a product part over the lifecycle and to also manage variations

PLM Obsolescence: Engineering Giants Struggle to Keep up with Technology

By Dick Weisinger

Large engineering companies are burdened with trying to upgrade and replace their legacy software. For example, Boeing and Airbus each have more than 2500 different software apps and tools that they use to manage the PLM processes for building their

PLM: Small Businesses Adopt Cloud-Based PLM to Improve Design and Resource Utilization

By Dick Weisinger

Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is the management of the entire lifecycle of a product from initial concept development through design, manufacture, service, maintenance, and ultimate disposal.  PLM is a very focused and dominated by a handful of large software vendors.

CAD Software: An $8 Billion Market

By Dick Weisinger

The CAD software market is currently an $8 billion market with 5.15 million users, estimates Jon Peddie Research.  The market is expected to grow to $8.7 billion by 2017 at an annual growth rate of 4 percent. By company, the