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Cloud Computing and SOA: Enterprises Roll Their Services in the Cloud

By Dick Weisinger

“The fact of the matter is that the best and most effective way to move to the cloud for an enterprise whose technology platforms reflect decades of enterprise IT neglect is to use SOA as an approach and process. Just

SOA: Cloud Drives Strong Growth of SOA Infrastructure

By Dick Weisinger

While most of IT spending growth are relatively flat, Gartner predicts that over the next four years that spending on cloud computing will more than double.  So it’s a bit surprising to see that there’s another IT market segment that

Cloud Computing and SOA: Converging Technologies

By Dick Weisinger

The Cloud and SOA.  Two technologies and two hot buzz words.  Now increasingly, analysts and architects are beginning to see the synergies that are possible by pairing the two.  The Cloud brings efficiencies of cost and scalability while SOA provides

SOA: Hype Diminishes around SOA, but Usage Increases

By Dick Weisinger

A new report by Forrester Research finds that Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) is still alive and well.   SOA is a set of design principles based on the use of interoperable services for developing and integrating computer systems.   SOA had

Technology: Process of Modernization is Difficult for the Government

By Dick Weisinger

In yesterday’s post we saw that many organizations aren’t able to consider adopting newer technologies like Cloud Computing because they are locked into existing investments in legacy on-premise software.  A report by Meritalk and Unisys found that the federal government