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SOA: Expectations Cup One-Third Empty?

By Dick Weisinger

Informationweek recently published the results of a satisfaction survey given to 278 companies that have actively been trying out or at least kicking the tires of SOA technologies. Two-thirds of the respondents found the technology met or exceeded their expectations.

SOA/SaaS: SAP offers up A1S as On-Demand Platform

By Dick Weisinger

In the true spirit of SAP R/3-like product naming conventions, SAP has introduced the A1S on-demand platform.  [What does SAP stand for? — Systeme, Anwendungen, Produkte (Systems, Applications, Products).]  But then Amazon’s names for EC2 and S3 services in the

SOA: Benefits of reusability aren't free

By Dick Weisinger

Monday’s blog described how culture and governance issues are showing up ever more frequently as barriers to successful SOA implementations.  Another surprise in the SOA arena is that the touted SOA feature of reusability doesn’t always come for free. An

Web3.0 : Weaving the Semantic Web

By Dick Weisinger

While most companies haven’t even begun to come to grips with Web 2.0 and its corporate equivalent called Enterprise 2.0, people are beginning to talk about the next generation of web-based technologies, Web 3.0. Web 3.0 is beginning to align around

SOA: Secure Interoperability for Web Services

By Dick Weisinger

Progess on standards from the Web Services Interoperability Organization (WS-I) have been slow in coming.  But in early April the WS-I published a set of guidelines for secure Web Service interoperability. WS-I Basic Security Profile (BSP) 1.0 was approved after