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Cloud Computing: Businesses Build List of Sanctioned Apps to Get Handle on Shadow Cloud

By Dick Weisinger

Businesses have struggled for some time to get a handle on their cloud security and usage. The Shadow Cloud is one of the biggest concerns for many organizations, according to a Symantec report.

Shadow cloud refers to the unapproved use of cloud services within an organization. While shadow cloud usage is often well intentioned, it can be the source for security issues and lost data. A project or person may feel that the available IT solutions offered by the organization is insufficient or limited and decide to use a cloud service to fill the gap. There’s often no central tracking of the unapproved cloud services that have been engaged and that can lead to duplication of services and risk of exposure of company data and intellectual property.

But now, many organizations are realizing that rather than fight against rogue and shadow cloud usage, to instead sanction the usage of some pre-approved services and to make the accept the need for a broad range of cloud services.

Lane Severson, senior research director at Gartner, said that “it’s clear that we are moving away from shadow IT in the classic sense and moving into the era of business-led IT where workers are making decisions about what apps they want to use to get their job done. But they are working with IT to make sure those apps are sanctioned. They aren’t just buying random cloud applications and expensing them as much as they were pre-COVID[-19].”

Sophat Chev, chief advisor at Security at ConvergeOne, said that “your biggest hurdle and challenge is going to be accepting what the end user needs as a way of maintaining their contribution to the business.”

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