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Coding: CSS Evolves

By Dick Weisinger

Web pages — HTML, Javascript and CSS are the basic elements of every page. All of those pieces are being modernized. A recent report on CSS summarizes the popularity of existing framework and layout options.

Sacha Greif and Raphaël Benitte of the CSS 2020 team wrote that “forget everything you know about CSS. Or at least, be ready to reconsider a lot of it. If like me you’ve been writing CSS for over a decade, CSS in 2020 looks nothing like what you were used to.”

From: 2020 State of CSS In Review

CSS tools have been changing dramatically. Consistent now for two years, Tailwind CSS has been ranked the most popular CSS framework. Tailwind was awarded the “Most Adopted Technology” award.

Specific new layout capabilities that have seen good adoption include Flexible Box, Multicolumn Layout, and CSS Grid.

From: 2020 State of CSS In Review

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