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Content Management: Use of Paper Finally on Decline

By Dick Weisinger

The talk of a paperless world has been around for a while.  A report by Gartner suggests that paper may no longer be the preferred medium for consuming content.  While devices like laptops made electronic access to content easy and quick, people generally preferred cozying up with a book, magazine or newspaper rather than curling up with a laptop.  Tablet computers like the Apple iPad are changing people’s preferences for how and where they consume information.   It’s barely been a year and a half since the iPad was introduced, but the smaller, lighter form factor of tablet devices has been enthusiastically received.

Gartner found that as many as 52 percent of iPad owners said that they preferred to read electronic content on an iPad rather than identical content printed on paper.  And 42 percent judged the convenience and ease of use at for paper and iPad content as about the same.  This is the first time when electronic media has won out in an opinion survey over traditional print.

When Gartner compared people’s opinions about reading text on laptop screens versus paper, paper still comes out on top.  47 percent said that reading a laptop screen was harder than reading from paper, while 33 percent said that reading text was equally easy on laptop screens and on paper.

While the consumption of information from electronic devices is increasing though, it is unlikely that paper can be replaced that quickly.   The many different ways that might be used to consume information puts a heavy onus on publishers to be able to support multiple media.  Gartner says that publishers will need to pursue multiple channels in order to access a wide audience since different individuals have different preferences about which media they want to use to consume information.

Nick Ingelbrecht, research director at Gartner, said “This means improving media tablets and screen readers have become more competitive with paper in terms of weight, form factor, screen resolution, waterproofing, ruggedness, easy highlighting and note taking. This will enable consumers to take and use their devices at the beach, in the bath or out into the sun where they take their paper books, newspapers and magazines.”

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