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Enterprise Software: Trends in Enterprise Search

By Dick Weisinger

Where are the new developments in Enterprise Search leading to?  Enterprise Search vendor, Coveo, recently gathered together IT leaders of large corporations and industry analysts to discuss the latest trends and direction for search within the Enterprise.   The group identified 11 trends that are driving Enterprise Search.  The list reads more like a list of goals for the value that Enterprise Search may ultimately be able to provide organizations.

  1. Enterprise Search will provide organizations with a single interface for accessing all company data and assets.
  2. Real-time data analytics derived from corporate data should expand from being available to only a select few to a much broader group of employees
  3. Enterprise Search will be able to put information in context with “360 degree views of data”.
  4. Enterprise Search will enable knowledge management which can access information from all corporate repositories
  5. Enterprise Search will enable knowledge management that can improve levels of customer service without needing to add more resources
  6. Enterprise Search will be able to plumb Social Media to be able to provide a “Voice of the Customer” perspective
  7. Enterprise Search will be able to connect and aggregate information from siloed Social Media communities
  8. Enterprise Search will allow aggregation of data from collaboration and employee communication to extract and summarize expertise
  9. Enterprise Search can enhance the value of data held in existing systems and repositories
  10. Enterprise Search will provide a more appealing and central interface that workers will prefer compared to using many specialized interfaces for each of many enterprise software plaforms
  11. Enterprise Search display of results is flexible and easily configurable, allowing organization to be able to easily adopt to change
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