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Quantum Computing: Use of Entangled Protons May Prove Key for Future Research

By Dick Weisinger

Scientists around the world are researching and experimenting with the physics that could enable quantum computing. To date the research has focused on the use of a property called electron entanglement and how it could be manipulated to determine and maintain state in electrons. The modest progress that has been made in the field to date has been with the use of highly pure materials held at extremely cold temperatures.

A group in Nagoya Japan at Chuo University found what might be a better path than electron entanglement: proton entanglement.

Takahiro Matsumoto, lead researcher for the project said that “Proton entanglement has been previously observed in molecular hydrogen and plays an important role in a variety of scientific disciplines. However, the entangled state was found in gas or liquid phases only. Now, we have detected quantum entanglement on a solid surface, which can lay the groundwork for future quantum technologies.”

This could be a big discovery and change the direction of research. The proton entanglement which they were able to create and observe was found to be significantly more stable than electron entanglement.

This advance could make it possible to create systems with millions of qubits, the basic quantum unit, and enable the formulation of very complex computing problems for use in quantum computers.

Matsumoto said that “Quantum computers can handle intricate problems, such as integer factorization and the ‘traveling salesman problem,’ which are virtually impossible to solve with traditional supercomputers. This could be a game-changer in quantum computing with regard to storing, processing, and transferring data, potentially even leading to a paradigm shift in pharmaceuticals, data security, and many other areas.”

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