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Monthly Archives: July 2011

Security: The Rise of the Advanced Persistent Threat (APT)

By Dick Weisinger

2011 has seen a wave of high-profile security breaches, including targets like RSA, Sony, Lockheed Martin, Citigroup, Sega, the IMF, the UK NHS and even the CIA.  many of the biggest exploits were perpetrated by the group called Lulz Sec.  The group

Cloud Computing and SOA: Converging Technologies

By Dick Weisinger

The Cloud and SOA.  Two technologies and two hot buzz words.  Now increasingly, analysts and architects are beginning to see the synergies that are possible by pairing the two.  The Cloud brings efficiencies of cost and scalability while SOA provides

Economics of Cloud Computing: When Does Moving to the Cloud Make Sense?

By Dick Weisinger

Moving IT operations to the cloud saves money when compared to using on-site computing facilities.  That’s a premise that’s increasingly believed, but the truth of which actually depends on a number of parameters.  A group of academics from the Pennsylvania

Enterprise Software: Custom App Stores to Host Enterprise Software

By Dick Weisinger

Apple’s iPhone and iPad have created massive shifts in the worlds of communications and computing. In just a few years, people’s expectations and the way that they interact with technology have changed dramatically. Another change brought about by Apple is the App

Tech Business: CFOs increasingly Calling IT Shots

By Dick Weisinger

CIO decisions no longer are getting a rubber stamp from the President or CEO.  Gone are the days where CIO’s were trusted to set IT direction and budgets.  IT is increasingly treated as a cost center that is closely scrutinized