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Yearly Archives: 2011

Cloud Computing: Cloud-Standard Alliances Unite

By Dick Weisinger

The Open Data Center Alliance (ODCA) and The Green Grid (TGG) alliance have announced that they’re joining forces in their efforts to create standards for the cloud. The Green Grid is a non-profit, open industry consortium of end-users, policy-makers, technology

Enterprise Software: Top 10 ERP System Problems

By Dick Weisinger

Enterprise software has undergone dramatic changes over the last decade.  Modern enterprise software is now much easier to use, easier to access and easier to configure.  That’s great news for first-time customers shopping around for a new system, but it

Cloud Computing: Rapid Adoption by SMB's of Cloud and Virtualization Technologies

By Dick Weisinger

For Small and Medium sized businesses (SMB), the world of cloud computing has arrived.  Now more than half of SMB’s are using the cloud for some part of their computing environment, and even a higher percentage (61 percent) of SMB’s

Health Care: Patients Prefer Paper Over Electronic Health Records

By Dick Weisinger

It’s a matter of trust.  And a majority of patients still aren’t sure that they can yet trust the idea of Electronic Helath Records. A recent survey conducted by Manhattan Research identified two distinct categories of health consumers.  In the

Technology: Commoditization Strikes Again? — Is Virtualization a Victim?

By Dick Weisinger

At some point, all technology eventually becomes either obsolete or commoditized, one or the other.  For vendors of the affected technology, neither outcome is pretty, although commoditization as an outcome is probably better than being totally run out of town