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Artificial Intelligence: Vendors Chase Innovation Rather than Execution

By Dick Weisinger

Earlier this year, Gartner released their Magic quadrant for Data Science and Machine Learning. Gartner views Artificial Intelligence as a huge opportunity for businesses and as an area that is changing rapidly. They see competitors in this space trying to prove innovativeness, rather than focusing on execution. Gartner says that there are a “glut of compelling innovations and visionary roadmaps.”

Michael Witbrock, Professor at the University of Auckland, said that “the opportunities for developing a massive capability for reasoning are within our reach now. We have large quantities of data, and while they’re not necessarily in exactly the form you want, there are very strong signs that machine learning techniques can transform data into a form required for automated reasoning.”

Craig Mathias, principal at Farpoint Group, said that “many if not most of the large-scale technologies that we all depend upon – such as the internet itself, the power grid, and roads and highways – will simply be unable to function in the future without AI, as both solution complexity and demand continue to increase.”

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