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Megatrends: AI, Augmented/Virtual Reality, and Digital Platform Technologies to Drive Digital Economy

By Dick Weisinger

Which of the many technologies that we see in headlines daily are likely to have the biggest impact on our business and our lives over the next five years?  Gartner says that there are three technologies or “megatrends” that are

Augmented and Virtual Reality: 2017 Expected to be Breakout Year

By Dick Weisinger

Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR) is set poised for rapid growth in 2017.  The market has already been growing strongly, but as the technology improves and headsets and devices become cheaper, sales are expected to boom. Jitesh Ubrani senior research

Augmented and Virtual Reality (AR/VR): A Revolution that Will Change the Way We Work

By Dick Weisinger

Augmented reality and virtual reality technologies are expected to grow into a $162 billion market by 2020. The technologies will open up new applications, particularly in the areas of healthcare and product design. Tom Mainelli, vice president for devices and

Augmented Reality (AR): AR Apps and Gadgets to Supercharge Vision

By Dick Weisinger

Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that superimposes digitally generated images over real-world ones. Digital elements can include animations, sound, graphics, GPS data or 3D models.  In film, the merging of real world video with animated characters is nothing new,

Augmented Reality (AR): Lower Cost and Technical Barriers Propel AR Market Ahead of Virtual Reality

By Dick Weisinger

Businesses are leaving reality behind.  Surprisingly, 88 percent of the 500 US mid-market executives survey by Deloitte Growth Enterprise Services said that they are already using some form of virtual or augmented reality (VR & AR) in their business. What’s