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Cognitive Computing: Delivering Actionable Insights Across All Industries

By Dick Weisinger

Cognitive Computing is an area of computing that attempts to solve problems by simulating the human thought process. The term is used extensively by IBM when describing the Watson computer system, but it is often used by other vendors and

Enterprises, AI, and NLP: Enabling Machines to Converse with Humans

By Dick Weisinger

Global spending by businesses on AI and cognitive systems is expected to reach $77.6 billion in 2022, according to a forecast by IDC. Rob Thomas, senior vice president at IBM, said that “a large majority of enterprise investments continue to

Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Technologies:

By Dick Weisinger

Cognitive technology attempts to mimic the functioning on the human brain by using language processing, deep learning, computer vision, data mining and pattern recognition. A recent report from Deloitte on cognitive technologies looks at how businesses are adopting them.  Of

Humans and Technology: Transforming Us for the Better?

By Dick Weisinger

Gartner recently outlined five areas where technology is transforming humanity. Mike J. Walker, research vice president at Gartner, said that “business and technology leaders will continue to face rapidly accelerating technology innovation that will profoundly impact the way they engage

Cognitive Computing: Augmenting Human Intelligence to Made Better Decisions

By Dick Weisinger

Cognitive computing is the process of mimicking the human brain to enable better human decision making.  It involves humans as part of the loop, making it more a type of  “augmented intelligence” rather than “artificial intelligence”. Ginni Rometty, chairman, president and CEO of