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Information Governance: Saving Data for Big Data Analytics Projects of the Future

By Dick Weisinger

Organizations are increasingly capable of capturing huge amounts of data, and so they’re doing just that.  IDC says that data will continue to grow by 50 percent annually through 2016.  All the massive troves of stored data has led to

Governance: Today’s Solutions Go Underutilized

By Dick Weisinger

GRC refers to an organization’s global approach to Governance, Risk Management and Compliance.  But GRC is much more than this relatively simple definition.  Paul Proctor, analyst at Gartner writes that, “when it comes to GRC technologies we have to define

Enterprise Information Management: One-Third of Top Organizations To be Hit with Information Crises

By Dick Weisinger

As organizations become overwhelmed in the management of their data, Gartner is predicting that within the next three years that one-third of Fortune 100 organizations will be hit with an “information crisis.”  These crises will be precipitated by inability of

Information Governance: Consortium Founded to Reform and Modernize IG

By Dick Weisinger

The Information Governance Initiative (IGI), a cross-disciplinary consortium and think tank, with the goal of reforming and modernizing information governance, was recently formed.  The group will publish research, benchmarking surveys, and guidance for practitioners of information governance. Specific areas where

Information Governance: Many Records Management Programs Suffer from Large Gaps

By Dick Weisinger

A majority of Records Management (RM) and Information Governance (IG) programs now in place lack the key elements that are needed in order to be effective.  That’s a conclusion of a report sponsored by AIIM, ARMA, Iron Mountain and Cohasset Associates.