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Open Source: Microsoft’s Answer to Low Code

By Dick Weisinger

Low code applications based on Microsoft Excel have been around for years. Microsoft was a pioneer in the empowerment of users to create their own mini-application with Excel macros. But that was then. Over the last two decades Microsoft has

Low Code: Continued Strong Momentum in 2021

By Dick Weisinger

Low-code software development is gaining momentum. Software Development Times declared 2021 to be the ‘Year of Low Code.‘ Gartner is forecasting that the low code market will reach $13.8 billion in 2021, an increase of more than 22 percent over

Low Code: Two-Thirds of Enterprise App Development Will be Low Code by 2024

By Dick Weisinger

Low-code and no-code development environments enable citizen developers to configure and customize applications without the need to write any code. Often the interface is a drag and drop GUI that allows components to be connected to create the final application.

No Code: Letting Line-Of-Business Citizen Developers Build Their Own Apps

By Dick Weisinger

The saying “Every business is a software business” is becoming ever more true. The expectation is that businesses will increasingly need customized software to meet their specific needs. But developers remain a bottleneck to that idea — there’s not enough

Low Code Software: Tight Budgets and Application Modernization Plans Drive Adoption

By Dick Weisinger

Businesses are turning to low-code development as a way to still move forward with modern technology but with smaller teams of developers and power users. Low code tools are typically UI-based or allow users to easily configure changes to software